Mental Health Assistants at LA County Jail
Inmates in the Los Angeles Jail system have developed an innovative program of care and support for their peers with mental illness.
Photo: Christian Science Monitor

The Solution: Mental Health Assistants
Two alleged violent offenders in LA County jail take on one of the biggest problems to date: incarceration of people with mental illness. Not only is this a pressing issue within jails and prisons, the lack of treatment and support for people with mental illness is contributing to our homeless issues throughout Los Angeles and the rest of the country.
UCLA Center for Social Medicine
At this online talk, Craigen and Adrian spoke to UCLA Professor Dr. Philippe Bourgois, Assistant Sheriff Bruce Chase, and Program Manager at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility Joan Hubbell about the program
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Los Angeles Times
“A simple but radical program has changed the lives of dozens of mentally ill inmates housed in L.A. County’s Twin TowersCorrectional Facility,” writes Thomas Curwen in this LA Times report.
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